Camera Collection

Camera Collection

Monday, June 24, 2013

I've Moved!!!

Hello wonderful and amazing friends!! 
Thank you for continuously reading my blog and supporting me in my creative endeavors. 
I decided to switch over to WordPress. I think it is a sleeker look and will allow for more creativity. 
I would love to hear your feedback! I will now only post on my WordPress account. You can subscribe by clicking the link below:

Once you are at my blog you can scroll to the bottom and subscribe using the "follow" button or you can get a free Bloglovin' account and follow my blog along with all of your other favorite blogs!

Enjoy and I look forward to sharing more with you!
Thanks again!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Photos from my Time Magazine Camera

I found a Time Magazine camera at the Goodwill almost a year ago.
I finally had the chance to test it out using tungsten tinted film from the Lomography store.
I am thrilled with the results!! 
Below are the photos I took.

365 Project - Days 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, & 136

June 10th, Day 130:
I am loving this beautiful weather!
Lily and I walk around and enjoy the sites.
I enjoy the people, the houses, and the view of the water.
I love this place!
I took this with my Nikon P310.

June 11th, Day 131:
I love these old houses! 
When I walk around my neighborhood I always find more houses that I love.
If I could choose any home, it would probably be one of the homes in my neighborhood. 
One day, Fletch and I will get there.
I took this with my Nikon P310.

June 12th, Day 132:
I look very excited and Lily appears to be not enjoying herself. 
That is the story of my life.
I love spending my nights with Lily and Fletch.
I get very excited about leaving work because I know I am going to see them.
My family.
I took this with my Nikon P310.

June 13th, Day 133:
My wonderful partner, Fletch, visited me for lunch. 
We finished eating early so we decided to grab a snack from Starbucks.
It was wonderful spending time with such an amazing person.
He makes me smile.
I took this with my iPhone.

June 14th, Day 134:
I am loving my new job! My boss brought us bagels.
It was very sweet of her!! It really started my Friday off right. 
Sometimes a simple gesture, like bringing a bagel for a colleague, doesn't seem like a big deal. In reality, it can make someone's day. 
I love witnessing the kindness of others.
It genuinely makes my day.
I took this with my iPhone.

June 15th, Day 135:
 My older brother graduated from his MBA program this weekend and my mother and father came to visit!
Fletch and I had a wonderful time hanging out with them in Seattle.
I am very thankful to have this time with my family.
It was lovely.
We went to a fun vintage store. I will have to go again soon.
This was taken with my iPhone.

June 16th, Day 136:
I have been researching for months to find a nice DSLR camera. 
Yesterday, I found it!
I purchased a Canon Rebel T4i and I am very excited to share some new photos with you!!! 
I met up with Justin today for coffee to catch up and show him my new camera.
I had a great time with Justin and even found a new vintage camera! I will tell you more about it in another post.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

365 Project - Days 126, 127, 128, & 129

June 6th, Day 126:
I love taking walks with my family. Fletch and I enjoy seeing the old houses in our neighborhood and imagining what house we will live in. I look forward to the day when we have our own place. 
I already have ideas about decorating. 
What a fun idea. 
Sometimes it is nice to dream.

June 7th, Day 127:
New job means new co-workers and new faces to my photos!
This is Becky.
We go together like two peas in a pod. She encourages me and helps me when I can't reach things.
I am really excited to continue to get to know Becky.
She is wonderful.

June 8th, Day 128:

I already introduced you to Becky but here she is again!
We had a lovely time on Saturday roaming around Tacoma.
We looked at thrift shops, ate lunch, and had a wonderful time experiencing new things.
It was an amazing day and I am thankful for my new friend.
I look forward to more days like this.

June 9th, Day 129:
Another wonderful day.
I have been feeling pretty great lately and today was no exception.
I spent the day with my dear friend, Cate.
She helped me paint my cart!
It looks very cute and I had a splendid time fixing it up.
Thank you, Cate, for such a spectacular day. 
I always enjoy the time we spend together. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

365 Project - Days 124 & 125

June 4th, Day 124:
Another sunny day! 
I think we are getting spoiled with this beautiful weather.
While I do burn easily and hate heat.. I am really enjoying the weather!
I am thankful for the nice weather that allows me to get outside with my family.

June 5th, Day 125:
Fletch and I enjoyed some apple pie and ice cream this evening.
I thought it would be a good way to celebrate some good news we received.
We had a lovely evening together just resting and enjoying each other's company. 
I love nights like these.

Monday, June 3, 2013

365 Project - Days 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, & 123

 May 28th, Day  117:
It is finally sunny!!
I am so excited to bust out my summer dresses and go for walks with Lily. I am glad that I have the time to go out and walk around the neighborhood. I use that time to reflect on the day and to plan for the future.
I love days like this.

May 29th, Day 118:
Becky's birthday!!!
I am so excited to be a member of the marketing team at work and to have such wonderful co-workers.
For Becky's birthday we decorated her desk and brought in snacks.
It was a wonderful time and I am glad I could be a part of it.

May 30th, Day 119:
I can't believe the weather we are having!
It starts out a bit cloudy but then brightens up.
I am happy for anything other then rain so this weather is lifting my spirit!
Thank you, Mr. Sun!

May 31st, Day 120:
I thought that I would have a quiet evening at home alone on Friday. To my pleasant surprise I spent my evening with Becky!! It was wonderful!
Becky and I went to a few of our favorite stores and I really enjoyed spending time with her.

June 1st, Day 121:
This last weekend baby Gia came to visit!! She is growing up so fast!
I got to spend a day with my brother, Danny, his wife, Gabi, and baby Gia. It was wonderful seeing them and having a chance to visit my niece.
I wish I could be around more for her but being in a different state makes it a bit difficult.
This was the highlight of my weekend. I am happy to have spent time with my family.

June 2nd, Day 122:

New Found Glory came to Seattle and played their entire album, "Sticks and Stones"!! It was AMAZING! Fletch and I danced around and had a marvelous time.
I feel very fortunate for being able to not only go to this show but to go with such a wonderful person. Fletch is so sweet to me and I am glad we got to share the experience together.

June 3rd, Day 123:

Today I went to Starbucks with my co-worker, Becky. It was a lovely, sunny day and we wanted a pick-me-up after having the fire alarms tested all morning.
We drove with the windows down and Justin Timberlake playing on the radio.
I am really enjoying my new co-workers.
They have similar interests and are very caring, considerate people.
I had a spectacular time grabbing coffee with Becky and I am glad to have made a new friend.
Thanks dear!